Thursday, May 2, 2013

Freedom To Chose When Traveling

Yesterday I decided to take yet another short road trip.  My intent was to go north to Ludington and sit on the beach watching the waves break on the shore and enjoy some quiet solitude.  Well, upon my arrival the waves were there, the quiet solitude was there but along with that was a very cold wind blowing in off of Lake Michigan.

The nice thing about traveling as I do is that when things aren't quite what you had expected you can simply get up and leave.  So I did just that.  I headed further north to Manistee, MI thinking that perhaps the temperature might be somewhat different there.  Indeed it was...much colder still.  So, once again, I left that area and headed inland toward Cadillac, MI where, according to the radio, the temperatures were in the 80's.  Upon my arrival I found a great spot in the local city park that is right next to Lake Cadillac and enjoyed an afternoon and early evening.  Sunset over the lake was awesome.

I thought that perhaps the State Park would be open by this time of year but alas when I arrived there were a few campers there but also there was a sign on the registration/ranger's office stating that to use the facility you had to be pre-registered.  I didn't let that bother me though as while traveling in a fully equipped van I could, and did, simply move on to another location at which I stayed for the night.

If you're traveling free and easy don't let small inconveniences get in your way.  Just move on.  You have the Freedom To Chose.

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