Friday, April 19, 2013

Growing Wings With Which To Fly

Today I was listening and watching a few videos posted by other vandwellers.  One of the people, a single female living in her van, said something interesting that caught my attention.  She said "You'll never realize that you have wings with which to fly until you actually jump off the cliff (figuratively speaking)."

When you stop and think about it we never really discover what we are capable of doing because we're simply afraid to actually try something new.  I know that I've had many opportunities that offered themselves but because it was outside of my comfort zone I chose not to do them.  Sort of sad really as I could have had so many more experiences to share with people.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that little observation and hope that it gets you thinking about spreading your own wings.  Please though, don't go jump off a building.  I'm thinking that would not be a good thing.  Best I think to just try new things that make you uncomfortable, uneasy or even perhaps a little bit scared.  Perhaps a zip line ride would be a good start.  I know the first time I did that I was scared silly but after the first time you couldn't keep me off of them.

Let me know what you decide to do.  I'd really enjoy hearing about your experiences.

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