Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wintering in the Southern States

Each Winter I find a nice warm spot to live and this year, as last, it is in Florida.  My wife and I own a home on the Atlantic Coast and we settle in for about 5 months as the cold cruel weather of the north takes it's toll on our other home in Michigan.

Fishing, Flea Markets and fun are our main points of interest as we chill through the months.  Of course there are the occasional e-mails to friends and family stuck in the grips of the North but that is a topic for another time.

More postings will come soon as we're planning on doing some short trips to see just what all the excitement is in and around Florida.  Should be fun (and warm I might add.)

Hope you're enjoying your Winter, staying warm and safe and planning for your Summer's excursions.

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