Sunday, March 31, 2013

He's Alive

This is and likely will be for a very long time my most favorite songs that Dolly ever did.  It is such a joy to celebrate Christ Risen on this special day each year.  Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

When Three Equals One

Three colors; light blue then a little darker blue and finally dark blue all make up the colors of the waters in Lake Michigan today in Ludington, Michigan. As I sit watching the breakers crashing on the ice-covered pier I remember last summer's warm water and the fishermen catching huge salmon from the pier. I remember the warm temperatures that allowed walking along the pier shirtless and loving it.

Today is clear with only a slight evidence of clouds far out from shore. No risk of snow and the promise of warmer days ahead. Nature paints such wonderful portraits for us to enjoy. I hope you're able to do just that in the near future.

I really couldn't believe that these guys were out of the pier.  Many people die from falling off or being swept off the pier by waves and wind.  Perhaps I could understand it a little better if they were fishing but they weren't.  Nope, just standing there watching the water.  Calmer on the side they are on but regardless still very dangerous.